Three Choirs Festival 2025, Hereford - Family Concert
Musical Waterways – Amazing Inventioneers
Length: 60min
Suggested Ages: 7-12 years
Programme to include…
Eugene Goossens The Waterwheel, from Five Impressions of a Holiday, Op. 7
George Crumb Sea Nocturne, from Vox Balaenae
Laura Bowler Steam Turbines, from Salutem’
Eugene Goossens By the Rivers, from Five Impressions of a Holiday, Op. 7
Mel Bonis L’aube (Dawn), from Scènes de la forêt
Join us for a tale of invention and scientific discovery in an age of ships, bridges and water power. Come along and discover the brilliant engineers John Smeaton, Sarah Guppy and Mr & Mrs Parsons on their pioneering mission to design England’s bridges, canals and steam turbines. This 1-hour performance links engineering and music, including an introduction to how musical instruments make their sound. The event will end with participants performing alongside the Marsyas Trio.
Venue TBC
*Please note, concert start time is subject to change
Three Choirs Festival 2025, Hereford
With mezzo-soprano Lotte Betts-Dean
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt
Saint-Saëns Une flûte invisible
Maurice Ravel La flûte enchantée (Shéhérazade)
Maurice Ravel Chansons madécasses
Michael Finnissy Blessed be song cycle (WP)
Anne Boyd Cycle of Love
Claude Debussy Chansons de Bilitis
Ancient and exotic texts through centuries of human existence are explored in this programme of chamber music for voice, flute, cello and piano. Works are inspired by a rich array of literary sources, from Greek mythology to the Arabian Nights.
*please note, concert start time & venue may be subject to change
St Paul's Hall, Huddersfield
Saint Pauls Hall, University of Huddersfield, Queensgate, Huddersfield HD1 3DH, UK
Programme and tickets:
University of Leeds International Concert Series
Programme to include
Mic Spencer New Work (2025 - WP)
Judith Weir Several Concertos For Flute, Cello and Piano (1980)
Grantham Music Club
Coming soon!
Berkhamsted Music
Franz Joseph Haydn Trio No. 30 in F major, Hob.XV:17
Bohuslav Martinu Trio for Flute, Cello & Piano
Claude Debussy Sonate pour violoncelle et piano
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt, Op. 123
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Trio in D minor, Op. 11
Cambridge Festival
19:00 – pre-concert talk
20:00 – concert
* nb. timings have been moved forwards from those previously published
Free entry, booking required
Maurice Ravel La flûte enchantée (Shéhérazade)
Claude Debussy Chansons de Bilitis
Judith Weir Nuits d'Afrique
Ewan Campbell Traduit de la nuit (WP)
Maurice Ravel Chansons madécasses
Join the Marsyas Trio, Churchill’s current Artist By-Fellows, and award-winning mezzo-soprano Lotte Betts-Dean for a concert that will feature Chansons madécasses - Ravel’s most controversial and experimental work, and the premiere of Ewan Campbell’s Traduit de la nuit, setting poetry by the Malagasy poet Jean-Joseph Rabearivelo.
The event includes a pre-concert talk led by Prof. Charles Forsdick, professor of French and Francophone literature with a specialism in colonial and post-colonial literature, who will help us navigate the complexities of engaging with historic and contemporary music and poetry from Africa and Madagascar.
Alnwick Music Society
Tickets and info:
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt
Elena Firsova Meditation in the Japanese Garden
Hilary Tann In the Theater of Air
Chen Yi Night Thoughts
Louise Farrenc Trio in E minor, Op. 45
Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, Leeds
With mezzo-soprano Lotte Betts-Dean
Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, Woodhouse, Leeds LS2 3AR, UK
Ravel La flute enchantée (Shéhérazade)
Judith Weir Nuits d'Afrique
Ravel Chansons madécasses
Saint-Saëns Une flûte invisible
Ewan Campbell Translations of the Night
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt (selection)
Michael Finnissy Wisdom
Music in the University concert series, Glasgow University
University of Glasgow Concert Hall, University Of Glasgow, University Ave, Glasgow G12 8QQ, UK
Echoes of a Distant Land, Hay-on-Wye, with mezzo-soprano Lotte Betts-Dean
WORLD PREMIERE of Michael Finnissy's Wisdom commissioned by the Marsyas Trio
Tickets and info:
The programme includes the world premiere of a major work by British composer Michael Finnissy and a work by Dame Judith Weir who was Master of the Queen’s/King’s Music from 2014 to 2024.
Both composers will be present at the concert and they will join the players for a pre-concert conversation.
Echoes of a Distant Land
The programme is inspired by a rich array of literary sources that underpin each piece. Finnissy's Wisdom draws on a multitude of texts which take the listener around the globe, ranging from Australian Aboriginal Dreamtime myths to Shakespeare’s poetry and Mary Shelley’s ‘Frankenstein’. Weir's Nuits d’Afrique, commissioned by Wigmore Hall as a companion piece to the Ravel's Chansons madécasses, represents three female writers from Senegal, Ivory Coast and Congo-Brazzaville, with poems depicting local life. Mel Bonis’ Scenes de la foret includes references to Greek mythology, alongside the beautiful shorter vocal pieces by Ravel and Saint-Saëns.
Judith Weir Nuits d'Afrique
Michael Finnissy Wisdom
Mel Bonis Scenes de la foret
Saint-Saëns Une flûte invisible
Ravel La flute enchantée (Shéhérazade)
Ravel Chansons madécasses
Musical Waterways, Howard Assembly Room, Leeds
Info and tickets:
In association with University of Leeds and Smeaton300.
There will also be a relaxed perfromance at 16:00.
Live visuals and a trio of amplified flute, cello and piano tell the fascinating story of pioneering women engineers who followed in the footsteps of Leeds’ own John Smeaton.
The Marsyas Trio – Ensemble-in-Residence (University of Leeds) and one of the UK’s foremost mixed chamber ensembles – presents an immersive journey celebrating the 300-year anniversary of the ‘father of civil engineering’.
Instrumental in the construction of the UK’s canal network, Smeaton paved the way for Britain’s first women engineers including Sarah Guppy and Katharine Parsons, whose inventions also centred on water.
The trio, in collaboration with film artist and visual projectionist Julian Hand, connect these brilliant minds and their inventions through a narrative of ‘musical waterways’. This compelling performance will include music across three centuries by Franz Joseph Haydn, Louise Farrenc, Eugene Goossens, Catherine Lamb, George Crumb, and two specially commissioned works by Leeds composers James Creed and Alannah Halay.
Churchill Music Society, University of Cambridge
The Marsyas Trio continue their Artist By-Fellowship at Churchill College, University of Cambridge.
In this concert they will perform Mozart’s Piano concerto no. 20 in D minor K. 466, brilliantly arranged by J.N. Hummel for keyboard, flute, violin & cello.
With guest violinist Christopher Jones
Free entry
Cockermouth Music Society
Tickets and info:
Franz Joseph Haydn Trio No. 30 in F major, Hob.XV:17
Bohuslav Martinu Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano
Claude Debussy Sonate pour violoncelle et piano
Mélanie Hélène Bonis Scènes de la forêt, Op. 123
Carl Maria von Weber Trio in G minor, Op. 63
Clothworkers Centenary Hall, University of Leeds
Marsyas Trio’s 3rd Visit as the FUAM Ensemble-in-Residence at the School of Music, University of Leeds
1.05pm - Lunchtime concert of works by Wilms and Weber
6pm - Showcase of the compositions by the student composers written for the Marsyas Trio.
In partnership with Leeds Light Night visual artist Paul Miller
Aylesbury Lunchtime Music
Helen Vidovich (flute) and Olga Stezhko (piano)
St. Mary’s Church, Aylesbury
CPE Bach - Sonata in G major for flute and piano ('Hamburger')
Georges Hüe - Fantaisie for flute and piano
Albert Roussel - Pan (from Joueurs de Flûte Op.27)
Claude Debussy - Estampes for solo piano
Lili Boulanger - Nocturne for flute and piano
JS Bach - Adagio from Toccata in E minor BWV 914 for solo piano
Francis Poulenc - Sonata for flute and piano
Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, University of Cambridge
Churchill College, Alumni weekend
Susan Lim - Fantasy Chamber Suite (with Mark Bebbington)
Ewan Campbell - Written in Air – hopefully with two new movements
Fanny Hensel - Overture in C (arr. for flute, cello and piano by Mark Gotham)
Wolfson Hall, Churchill College, Cambridge CB3 0DS, UK
King's Hall, Newcastle University
King’s Hall, Armstrong Building
Newcastle upon Tyne NE1 8QB
Mel Bonis - Scenes de la foret (arr. by Roseanna Dunn)
Johan Wilhelm Wilms - Trio Op. 6
Free admission
Pianodrome, Leeds City Museum
Leeds, Millennium Square, Leeds LS2 8BH, UK
A series of relaxed short performances of works by Wilms, Mel Bonis, Amy Beach and Czerny at 2-4pm
Summer Festival 2024: Piano+ (University of Leeds)
£10 (general admission), free for students
Marsyas Trio with guest violinist Christopher Jones
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Trio in D Minor (arr. by Mark Gotham for flute, cello & piano)
Claude Debussy Pagodes (piano solo)
J.S. Bach Adagio from Toccata in E minor BWV 914 (piano solo)
Scriabin Vers la flamme (piano solo)
Johann Nepomuk Hummel Adagio, Variations and Rondo on Schöne Minka Theme Op.78 (flute, cello & piano)
W.A. Mozart Piano concerto No. 466 (arr. by Hummel for keyboard, flute, violin & cello)
About the programme:
In the short space of less than 100 years between 1770 and 1860, piano underwent an astonishing evolution. Utilizing the cutting-edge technologies and manufacturing methods that became available thanks to the Industrial Revolution, Cristofori’s original 4-octave “gravicembalo col piano e forte” (harpsichord with soft and loud) quickly developed into the magnificent concert grand we know today – the instrument without which the history of Western classical music would be a different affair.
In this concert, the Marsyas Trio (the FUAM Ensemble-in-Residence at the University of Leeds) celebrates the versatility of piano as a solo and chamber instrument and showcases its limitless expressive palette. The programme also illuminates piano’s crucial role as composers’ trusted companion in creating and disseminating larger orchestral works.
By 1844 there were more than 9,000 arrangements of works in circulation including symphonies, concerti and operas. Known by Beethoven as ‘translations’, these orchestral works were often released simultaneously in several chamber ensemble versions, arranged by eminent composers of the day in consultation with the composers.
Hummel and Clementi, both virtuoso pianists themselves, arranged most of Beethoven’s symphonies and many of Haydn and Mozart’s symphonies and concerti, one of which – Mozart’s dramatic and sublimely beautiful Piano Concerto in D minor K.446 – takes centre stage in tonight’s programme.
The Marsyas Trio return to the Churchill College as part of their Artist By-Fellowship, to perform a programme of new compositions, including premieres of works by Churchill music students Kirsty McLachlan and Lucy Currid, and the winner of the 2022 Cambridge Young Composer competition Sohan Kalirai (Music, John’s).
Free entry
Kirsty McLachlan Entropy (Ping Pong)
Lucy Currid Echolocation
Sohan Kalirai Government Lake
Cecilia McDowall Not just a place
Clothworkers Centenary Concert Hall, University of Leeds
The Marsyas Trio’s 2nd visit to the University of Leeds as the current FUAM Ensemble in Residence.
Programme to include Ludwig van Beethoven, Amy Beach, Michael Finnissy, and George Crumb.
Tickets and info:
Songs of Air and Sea, Cambridge Festival
Cambridge, University of Cambridge, Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS, UK
Free entry. Booking required.
Churchill College, The Chapel, Storeys Way, CB3 0DS
6.30pm – Pre-concert talk & Exhibition: How can the arts interact with a Natural World in decline?
Chaired by environmentalist, author and curator John Fanshawe, this discussion between artists and environmental scientists will examine how the arts have drawn inspiration from the environment and how they can continue to interact in a changing world.
John Fanshawe – Birdlife International
Xavi Bou – Photographer
Ewan Campbell – Composer
Marsyas Trio
7:30pm – Marsyas Trio Concert
The London-based Marsyas Trio will present an immersive multimedia concert experience featuring different composers’ responses to the natural world. The dark and remote Chapel at Churchill is transformed through sound and light to emulate the underwater experience of George Crumb’s Vox Balaenae. The concert also features the premiere of Ewan Campbell’s collaboration with Spanish photographer Xavi Bou in a series of short movements written directly onto images of birds in flight.
Music in Dumfries
Beethoven’s Vienna:
Friedrich Kuhlau (1786-1832): Trio in G minor, Op. 119
Johann Wilhelm Wilms (1772-1847): Trio for flute, cello & piano
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel (1805-1847): Overture in C, arr. for flute, cello & piano (arr. Mark Gotham)
Carl Maria von Weber (1786-1826): Trio in G minor, Op. 63
The Marsyas Trio appears in another concert in Cambridge as part of their Artist By-Fellowship at Churchill College.
Roseanna Dunn 1964
Ewan Campbell New Work, excerpts
Claude Debussy Cello Sonata
Eugene Goossens Five Impressions of a Holiday
Free entry
Leeds School of Music Gala Recital
Leeds Emerging Artist Festival: Sunday with the Marsyas Trio
A gala recital featuring School of Music students performing alongside the Marsyas Trio. The recently appointed FUAM Ensemble in Residence, The Marsyas Trio, make their debut performance at the University. The concert will be preceded by a pre-concert talk, in which the Marsyas Trio discuss their work, repertoire, and the history of music for the flute, cello and piano ensemble.
This event will be live-streamed HERE
2:45 PM Pre-concert talk
3:30 PM Concert
Carl Czerny Fantasia Concertante for Flute, Cello and Piano Op.256
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt (arranged by Roseanna Dunn)
Albert Roussel Rossignol mon mignon, from 2 Poèmes de Ronsard, Op.26, for flute & soprano
Claude Debussy En Bateau, from Petite Suite, for piano four hands
Ludwig van Beethoven Welsh songs, excerpts, for trio and soprano
Three Little Mammoths - narrated by Eoin McLaughlin
"Once upon a time, at the very beginning of time, there was a big BANG! Then, there were stars [Do stars make a sound?]. Around the stars spun planets. And one of the planets was called ‘Earth’. Don’t believe me? You’re sitting on it right now. And if you’re not sitting, then sit down immediately, because the story is about to begin.
This is the story of the Three Little Mammoths."
Three Little Mammoths is a interactive spoken-word play for children of primary-school age featuring live music by The Marsyas Trio and narration by Eoin McLaughlin, author of the original text, well-known for his best-selling children's book, 'The Hug'.
Exploring themes of kindness, generosity and tolerance, the story centres around the migration of the main characters to far-off lands, where everything is different from their home.
With a musical score by award-winning composer Robin Haigh, the play is also designed to be an exciting first experience of chamber music with music for flute/piccolo, 'cello and piano. The hour-long performance will include interactive introductions to these musical instruments and an audience sing-along!
With thanks to Arts Council England and the Fidelio Charitable Trust.
Three Little Mammoths - narrated by Eoin McLaughlin
Please note, this is a performance for schools only, a public performance is being held at 6:30pm - if you would like to book for a school, please contact the North Tyneside Music Education Hub
Music BASCA award-winner Robin Haigh
Original text by children’s author Eoin McLaughlin
Performers Marsyas Trio and Eoin McLaughlin
Strand Chamber Music Series
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Overture in C, arr. for flute, cello & piano (arr. Mark Gotham)
Friedrich Kuhlau Trio in G minor, Op. 119
Carl Czerny Fantasia Concertante for Flute, Cello and Piano Op.256
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt (arranged by Roseanna Dunn)
We are delighted to offer a 50% discount code on tickets purchased from TicketSource: SCMS50
Blackheath Halls, London
Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel Overture in C major (arranged by Mark Gotham)
Bohuslav Martinu Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano
Mel Bonis Scènes de la forêt (arranged by Roseanna Dunn)
Carl Czerny Fantasia Concertante for Flute, Cello and Piano Op.256
Churchill Music Society, University of Cambridge
The Marsyas Trio appears in another concert in Cambridge as part of their Artist By-Fellowship at Churchill College. They are joined by soprano Jessica Summers.
The Music Centre, Churchill College
University of Cambridge,
Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS, UK
Free entry
Fanny Hensel (arr. Mark Gotham) - Overture in C
Claude Debussy - Songs of Bilitis
William Byrd / Mark Gotham - Steampunk Byrd
Johann Wilhelm Wilms - Trio for flute, cello & keyboard
Hoylake Chamber Concert Society
Haydn: Trio No 29 in G major, Hob.XV:15
Lili Boulanger: Nocturne for Flute and Piano
Martinů: Trio for Flute, Cello and Piano, H.300
Debussy: Cello Sonata, L.135
Carl Maria von Weber: Trio in g minor, Op 63
Info and tickets:
Hoylake, 1 Stanley Rd, Hoylake, Wirral CH47 1HL, UK

Three Little Mammoths @ Three Choirs Festival
Price: £10 adults, £8 children, under 5s FREE
Age Guidance: ideal for ages 5-11
‘Once upon a time, at the very beginning of time, there was a big BANG! Then, there were stars. Around the stars spun planets. And one of the planets was called ‘Earth’. Don’t believe me? You’re sitting on it right now. And if you’re not sitting, then sit down immediately, because the story is about to begin. This is the story of the Three Little Mammoths…’
Hear the story brought to life by the Marsyas Trio, with music by Robin Haigh and text by acclaimed children’s author Eoin McLaughlin, as the three little mammoths migrate to far-off lands.
Music in Lyddington
Tickets are be available on:
St Andrew’s Church Lyddington
GOOSSENS: Five Impressions of a Holiday, Op. 7
BONIS: Scènes de la forêt
CZERNY: Fantasia concertante, Op. 256
CPE BACH: Sonata in G major H.563 ‘Hamburger’
MENDELSSOHN-HENSEL: Piano Trio in D minor, Op. 11
Churchill Music Society, University of Cambridge
The Music Centre, Churchill College
University of Cambridge,
Storey's Way, Cambridge CB3 0DS, UK
Music by Gaubert, Saariaho and Czerny.